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Benefits of Aloe Vera Gel

Writer's picture: Christina WarrChristina Warr

Forever Living is passionate about its products, and in particular its flagship product Forever Aloe Vera Gel.

This purifying gel drink carries benefits that have literally impacted millions of people all over the world thanks to its nutrient value and the purity of its aloe.

Now we are even more excited to share a brand-new look aloe vera gel that’s even purer, fresher in taste.

Forever Aloe Vera Gel contains a high quantity of pure aloe vera and it really is this

succulent plant that makes Forever’s products so powerful. Although there are

hundreds of aloe species, Forever’s aloe, Aloe Barbadensis, is considered to be the

best. Read on to discover ten reasons why you should choose Forever’s aloe vera over

any other aloe brand…

1) Lovingly nurtured

From the moment our aloe is rooted in the ground, we ensure every single plant is

carefully nurtured to ensure the thick, green leaves grow plump and strong. Once the

lower leaves reach maturity, we harvest each one by hand. Only the leaves that have

reached full maturity are harvested to ensure we can extract the largest amount of pure

aloe vera gel. Forever owns the very soil on which the aloe is grown and by employing

local farmers to care for the crops, we can control everything that happens on the

fields to ensure our aloe is not harmed or exposed to anything unsavoury.

2) Processed within hours

After removal from the plant, each aloe leaf is transported to Forever’s onsite

processing station for washing and filleting. We wash each leaf twice before filleting it

by hand; hand filleting ensures that the rind is fully removed and only the nutritious

inner leaf gel is left. Next the aloe vera gel passes through several quality check

stations and any anomalies are removed before it travels to a tank where it undergoes

a process that ensures the formula is pH-balanced. This whole process is now

completed within six hours of harvesting to ensure all of the aloe’s beneficial properties

remain intact (it used to take eight hours).

3) Locked-in freshness

Forever’s aloe gel is then flash heated to lock in the benefits and freshness, while

safely reducing bad bacteria without the need for preservatives. Flash heating is an

extremely quick process and the gel is only exposed to heat for about 15 seconds or

less. The temperature is also below 70˚C so that no nutrients or proteins are damaged.

Flash heating actually increases the bioavailability of the aloe and it ensures the final

product tastes as fresh and is as nutritious as possible.

4) Pure and potent

During manufacturing, additional ingredients are added to the pure aloe gel as

required by our proprietary formulas. All of the ingredients used by Forever undergo

extensive research to ensure beneficial properties are extracted, and many of the

ingredients are believed to elevate the inherent benefits of aloe. With 99.7% inner leaf

gel, Forever Aloe Vera Gel is as close to cutting open a fresh aloe vera leaf as you

can get! Other formulas include Forever Aloe Berry Nectar at 90.7% aloe and Forever

Aloe Peaches at 84.3%. Both these gels have been flavoured with fruit juices and

concentrates for a fruity, delicious taste that’s rich in vitamin C and contain less sugar

than the previous versions. Forever Aloe Mango features all the benefits of our flagship Forever Aloe Vera Gel with 86% pure aloe vera and the delicious flavour from natural, tropical mango puree.

5) Recyclable packaging

It’s not just the Forever Aloe Vera Gel formula that has evolved, the packaging has

also adopted a brand-new look. With recent awareness of how plastics can be

detrimental to the environment, Forever is pleased to have rebranded its precious gel

in packaging that’s made from recyclable materials. PET Bottles.

What is PET? PET, which stands for polyethylene terephthalate, is a type of clear, durable, lightweight and 100% recyclable plastic.

6) Natural and nutritious

Due to its high aloe percentage and the swift manufacturing process it goes through,

Forever Aloe Vera Gel is as close to the pure inner leaf gel found in the actual plant

as you can get! This means the unique tasting gel is packed with properties and

nutrients that will work wonders for your skin, immune health, digestion and overall

wellbeing! If you commit to taking a daily shot, it won’t be long before you notice a

difference in the way you feel, and that’s because this nourishing gel is a natural

cleanser that delivers much needed goodness; goodness that will have you glowing

from the inside out!

Forever Aloe Vera Gel’s formula is completely natural, containing just three

ingredients: aloe vera gel, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and citric acid (acidity regulator),

and we love that it now has the added bonus of antioxidant vitamin C. Vitamin C

contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress as well as contributing to

maintain the normal function of skin, bones and the immune system during and after

intense physical exercise. Vitamin C also contributes to the reduction of tiredness

and fatigue and to normal psychological function.

7) Skin health

Aloe’s association with skin health is nothing new – legend tells us that Queen

Cleopatra used aloe to keep her skin soft and beautiful – but years of studies

conducted by Forever’s scientists and aloe specialists have taught us how to create

effective products that combine aloe with ingredients that maximise its skin-loving

benefits. We cater to all skin types, including sensitive skin, but it’s not just the topical

products that benefit skin health, the aloe content in a glass of Forever Aloe Vera Gel

can also work wonders for your complexion.

8) Digestive aid

Aloe has been highly acclaimed by many for its cleansing and purifying properties,

and that’s why it’s the ideal digestive aid! A glass of Forever Aloe Vera Gel can help

support gastrointestinal health and keep your digestive processes in check which is

why Forever Aloe Vera Gel is the perfect way to start your day. Aloe is also highly

absorbent, so it can start working straight away, giving you what you need, when you

need it most!

9) Immune support

Another strong benefit of aloe is that it is believed to contribute to immune function. If

you lead an active lifestyle, work with people, children or generally just care about

keeping healthy, you’ll love Forever Aloe Vera Gel. Now we’re not saying that a glass

a day will keep the doctor away, but we are pretty confident that if you consume the

gel consistently over a period of time, you will see a difference in your immune health

and overall wellbeing, and you’ll certainly begin to miss it if you forget your daily dose!

10) Aloe you can trust

Any aloe product that is claiming to offer all the benefits that result from aloe is

reviewed by the International Aloe Science Council (IASC) for consistency and purity.

IASC has a strong code of ethics and carries out a strict inspection and testing

programme on aloe-based products, which is why you should ensure that any aloe

product you purchase displays the IASC logo. One of the ingredients IASC test for is

acemannan, a naturally occurring compound in aloe. When the company tested

Forever Aloe Vera Gel, the drink was found to actually exceed IASC’s strict aloe

standards and, incredibly, the new formula contains even more acemannan than the original.

Using our drinking gels, we suggest taking 60mls first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, you can of course drink more.

Once the bottle is open it must be kept in the fridge and used within 30 days, it always tastes nicer cold too. All unopened bottles will last for 2 years.

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